Translating the Documentation

All translations of the OTOBO GUI, the public extension modules and the documentations are managed using Weblate.

In OTOBO 10 the documentations are available in reStructuredText format. Be careful not to break the structure while translating the documentation.

Here are some examples.


Emphasized texts are between two asterisks. The text should be translated. This is usually used for screen names, titles, buttons and labels. Please check the user interface translations to find and use the same wording in the documentation.

Example original sentence:

Use the *Ticket Zoom* screen to see the ticket details.

Example translation into Hungarian:

Használja a *Jegynagyítás* képernyőt a jegy részleteinek megtekintéséhez.

Strong texts are between two double asterisks. The text should be translated. This is usually used for important information.

Example original sentence:

**Don't continue** the update if you get an error message.

Example translation into Hungarian:

**Ne folytassa** a frissítést, ha hibaüzenetet kap.
Literal texts

Literal texts are between two double back-tick characters. This is usually used for variable names, configuration names and file paths, and must not be translated, otherwise it will break the structure.

Example original sentence:

Activate ``group`` in system configuration ``ExamplePermission###100``.

Example translation into Hungarian:

Aktiválja a ``group`` értéket az ``ExamplePermission###100`` rendszerbeállításban.
Internal links

Internal links point to other pages or headings of the pages. :doc:`page-name` is used for referring to a page and :ref:`Heading Title` is used for referring to a heading. There is a custom tag :sysconfig:`System Configuration Name` for referring to a system configuration. The texts page-name, Heading Title and System Configuration Name must not be translated, otherwise it will break the structure.

Example original sentence:

See page :doc:`queues` to add a queue, especially section :ref:`Queue Settings`.

Example translation into Hungarian:

Nézze meg a :doc:`queues` oldalt, különösen a :ref:`Queue Settings` szakaszt.
External links

External links consist of a visible text and an URL in form `visible text <>`__. The visible text should be translated.

Example original sentence:

See `OTOBO website <>`__ for more information.

Example translation into Hungarian:

Nézze meg az `OTOBO weboldalát <>`__ a további információkért.