Dashboard ModuleΒΆ
Dashboard module to display statistics in the form of a line graph.

Dashboard Widget
# --
# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Rother OSS GmbH, https://otobo.de/
# --
# This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
# the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
# did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
# --
package Kernel::Output::HTML::DashboardTicketStatsGeneric;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my ( $Type, %Param ) = @_;
# allocate new hash for object
my $Self = {%Param};
bless( $Self, $Type );
# get needed objects
for (
qw(Config Name ConfigObject LogObject DBObject LayoutObject ParamObject TicketObject UserID)
die "Got no $_!" if !$Self->{$_};
return $Self;
sub Preferences {
my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;
sub Config {
my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;
my $Key = $Self->{LayoutObject}->{UserLanguage} . '-' . $Self->{Name};
return (
%{ $Self->{Config} },
CacheKey => 'TicketStats' . '-' . $Self->{UserID} . '-' . $Key,
sub Run {
my ( $Self, %Param ) = @_;
my %Axis = (
'7Day' => {
0 => { Day => 'Sun', Created => 0, Closed => 0, },
1 => { Day => 'Mon', Created => 0, Closed => 0, },
2 => { Day => 'Tue', Created => 0, Closed => 0, },
3 => { Day => 'Wed', Created => 0, Closed => 0, },
4 => { Day => 'Thu', Created => 0, Closed => 0, },
5 => { Day => 'Fri', Created => 0, Closed => 0, },
6 => { Day => 'Sat', Created => 0, Closed => 0, },
my @Data;
my $Max = 1;
for my $Key ( 0 .. 6 ) {
my $TimeNow = $Self->{TimeObject}->SystemTime();
if ($Key) {
$TimeNow = $TimeNow - ( 60 * 60 * 24 * $Key );
my ( $Sec, $Min, $Hour, $Day, $Month, $Year, $WeekDay )
= $Self->{TimeObject}->SystemTime2Date(
SystemTime => $TimeNow,
$Data[$Key]->{Day} = $Self->{LayoutObject}->{LanguageObject}->Get(
my $CountCreated = $Self->{TicketObject}->TicketSearch(
# cache search result 20 min
CacheTTL => 60 * 20,
# tickets with create time after ... (ticket newer than this date) (optional)
TicketCreateTimeNewerDate => "$Year-$Month-$Day 00:00:00",
# tickets with created time before ... (ticket older than this date) (optional)
TicketCreateTimeOlderDate => "$Year-$Month-$Day 23:59:59",
CustomerID => $Param{Data}->{UserCustomerID},
Result => 'COUNT',
# search with user permissions
Permission => $Self->{Config}->{Permission} || 'ro',
UserID => $Self->{UserID},
$Data[$Key]->{Created} = $CountCreated;
if ( $CountCreated > $Max ) {
$Max = $CountCreated;
my $CountClosed = $Self->{TicketObject}->TicketSearch(
# cache search result 20 min
CacheTTL => 60 * 20,
# tickets with create time after ... (ticket newer than this date) (optional)
TicketCloseTimeNewerDate => "$Year-$Month-$Day 00:00:00",
# tickets with created time before ... (ticket older than this date) (optional)
TicketCloseTimeOlderDate => "$Year-$Month-$Day 23:59:59",
CustomerID => $Param{Data}->{UserCustomerID},
Result => 'COUNT',
# search with user permissions
Permission => $Self->{Config}->{Permission} || 'ro',
UserID => $Self->{UserID},
$Data[$Key]->{Closed} = $CountClosed;
if ( $CountClosed > $Max ) {
$Max = $CountClosed;
@Data = reverse @Data;
my $Source = $Self->{LayoutObject}->JSONEncode(
Data => \@Data,
my $Content = $Self->{LayoutObject}->Output(
TemplateFile => 'AgentDashboardTicketStats',
Data => {
%{ $Self->{Config} },
Key => int rand 99999,
Max => $Max,
Source => $Source,
return $Content;
To use this module add the following to the Kernel/Config.pm
and restart your web server (if you use mod_perl
<ConfigItem Name="DashboardBackend###0250-TicketStats" Required="0" Valid="1">
<Description Translatable="1">Parameters for the dashboard backend. "Group" are used to restricted access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" means if the plugin is enabled per default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTL" means the cache time in minutes for the plugin.</Description>
<Item Key="Module">Kernel::Output::HTML::DashboardTicketStatsGeneric</Item>
<Item Key="Title">7 Day Stats</Item>
<Item Key="Created">1</Item>
<Item Key="Closed">1</Item>
<Item Key="Permission">rw</Item>
<Item Key="Block">ContentSmall</Item>
<Item Key="Group"></Item>
<Item Key="Default">1</Item>
<Item Key="CacheTTL">45</Item>
An excessive number of days or individual lines may lead to performance degradation.