

It is highly recommended to perform a test update on a separate testing machine first.

Step 1: Stop All Relevant Services and the OTOBO Daemon

Please make sure there are no more running services or cron jobs that try to access OTOBO. This will depend on your service configuration.

root> systemctl stop postfix
root> systemctl stop apache2
root> systemctl stop cron

Stop OTOBO cron jobs and the daemon (in this order):

root> su - otobo
otobo> cd /opt/otobo/
otobo> bin/Cron.sh stop
otobo> bin/otobo.Daemon.pl stop

Step 2: Backup Files and Database

Create a backup of the hole /opt/otobo directory and the database.

Example for a standard installation with Ubuntu and MySQL

root> mkdir /root/otobo-update                      # Create a update directory
root> cd /root/otobo-update                         # Change into the update directory
root> cp -pr /opt/otobo otobo-prod-old              # Backup the hole OTOBO directory to the update directory
root> mysqldump -u otobo -p otobo -r otobo-prod-old.sql   # Backup the otobo database to otobo-prod-old.sql

Please check if all files are valid. Now we have a backup with all required data.


Don’t proceed without a complete backup of your system. You can use also the backup-restore script for this.

Step 3: Install the New Release

Download the latest otobo release from https://ftp.otobo.org/pub/otobo/. and unpack the source archive (for example, using tar) into the directory /root/otobo-update:

root> cd /root/otobo-update                                             # Change into the update directory
root> wget https://ftp.otobo.org/pub/otobo/otobo-latest-10.0.tar.gz     # Download he latest OTOBO 10 release
root> tar -xzf otobo-latest-10.0.tar.gz                                 # Unzip OTOBO
root> cp -r otobo-10.x.x/* /opt/otobo                                   # Copy the new otobo directory to /opt/otobo

Restore Old Configuration Files

We need only copy the file Kernel/Config.pm in OTOBO 10.

root> cd /root/otobo-update
root> cp -p otobo-prod-old/Kernel/Config.pm /opt/otobo/Kernel/
root> cp -p otobo-prod-old/var/cron/* /opt/otobo/var/cron/

Restore Article Data

If you configured OTOBO to store article data in the file system you have to restore the article folder to /opt/otobo/var/ or the folder specified in the system configuration.

root> cd /root/otobo-update
root> cp -pr otobo-prod-old/var/article/* /opt/otobo/var/article/

Restore Already Installed Default Statistics

If you have additional packages with default statistics you have to restore the stats XML files with the suffix *.installed to /opt/otobo/var/stats.

root> cd /root/otobo-update/otobo-prod-old/var/stats
root> cp *.installed /opt/otobo/var/stats

Set File Permissions

Please execute the following command to set the file and directory permissions for OTOBO. It will try to detect the correct user and group settings needed for your setup.

root> /opt/otobo/bin/otobo.SetPermissions.pl

Step 4: Update Installed Packages

You can use the command below to update all installed packages. This works for all packages that are available from online repositories. You can update other packages later via the package manager (this requires a running OTOBO daemon).

root> su - otobo
otobo> /opt/otobo/bin/otobo.Console.pl Admin::Package::ReinstallAll
otobo> /opt/otobo/bin/otobo.Console.pl Admin::Package::UpgradeAll

Step 5: Start your Services

Now the services can be started. This will depend on your service configuration, here is an example:

root> systemctl start postfix
root> systemctl start apache2
root> systemctl start cron

Now you can log into your system.